
We Miss You & Resources for Learning!

Dear Grade 3's, We miss your energy, kindness, and goofy jokes in our classroom every day. We hope we get to see you soon! Until then, feel free to check out these fun learning ideas: CBE K-6 Learning at Home Supports Don't hesitate to send us an email and we will write back soon! Enjoy this time with your families and keep well! Ms. McCrady & Mrs. Wilpert

Dare to Care

Langevin school is hosting the Dare to Care program in December. The program is designed to teach kids skills to deal with bullying and to know when they need to report incidents to staff and parents. Our class will be part of the K-6 day on  December 10th , where students will be participating in both an assembly, and classroom activities throughout the day. Dare to Care is also hosting a  Parent Night on December 4th  from 6:30-9:00pm for parents interested in learning about how to distinguish between peer conflicts and bullying, and how to give their children the skills to deal with these situations.  All parents are strongly encouraged to attend this night. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this program. Mrs. Wilpert & Ms. McCrady Important Dates: Parent Conferences - November 21 - 22 (Early dismissal Nov. 21) Dare to Care Parent Night - December 4 Dare to Care K-6 - December 10 Non-Instructional Day -...


Reading is always a big conversation in the early years of learning. By grade 3 students are gaining the skills to read and decode confidently, and apply comprehension strategies and knowledge to their work. Home reading remains important throughout your child's school career. There has been lots of research that shows that 20 minutes of reading a day makes a significant impact in your child's academic success as they move up in grade level. They are exposed to a larger vocabulary, and are typically stronger at comprehending a variety of texts. ( ) Of course, not all grade 3 students have the same reading stamina, so don't be afraid to pick up some of the reading if they are starting to get lost. Just make it a goal to read a little more each night!  Please make reading at home an enjoyable experience. We will do the hard work and practice at school, so make the time at h...

How to Be a Great Field Study Volunteer

Hello Wonderful Grade 3 Parents, We heard your valuable feedback during interviews that it would be helpful for you to have a more clear understanding of how to support our learners during field study. We are so appreciative of the time you take to volunteer and our field study program could not operate without your support. Thank you! We hope the following offers some helpful guidance for what it means to be an excellent volunteer while on field study: Be Curious Embrace the wonders and magic of spending a day in nature regardless of the weather. Being excited and noticing small details with help your group engage in their learning! Try to experience the location through the lens of your Grade 3 student and their studies. While we revisit sites often, we are helping our students see the variety of ways we might experience a location through a variety of lenses as a scientist. If we're studying rocks and minerals, help them see the wonder of the site from this perspecti...
Welcome to Grade 3! We look forward to learning, growing, and exploring with you this year!