Reading is always a big conversation in the early years of learning. By grade 3 students are gaining the skills to read and decode confidently, and apply comprehension strategies and knowledge to their work.
Home reading remains important throughout your child's school career. There has been lots of research that shows that 20 minutes of reading a day makes a significant impact in your child's academic success as they move up in grade level. They are exposed to a larger vocabulary, and are typically stronger at comprehending a variety of texts. ( Of course, not all grade 3 students have the same reading stamina, so don't be afraid to pick up some of the reading if they are starting to get lost. Just make it a goal to read a little more each night!
Please make reading at home an enjoyable experience. We will do the hard work and practice at school, so make the time at home something they can look forward to. Find special books together, get cozy and enjoy! Children are more likely to pick up a book if they relate it to positive experiences.
Next week we will post some ideas on how to further support reading at home. Students will have access to bring home books from the Learning Commons at school, but we highly recommend trips to the Calgary Public Library to add variety to their collections (it's free, and close to Bridgeland!). The wonderful staff there are very willing to help you find the right book! They have a wealth of knowledge that they can share with you. We will also slowly be adding some book recommendations to our "Resources" page if you are looking for some other options.
Today in students agendas, you will find our class code and student pin numbers to access a website called Epic Books. The pin numbers were created using the last four digits of your child's student number. On Epic Books, you will find a library of stories that your child can read and have read to them. They can also answer comprehension questions about the stories they read. This website is NOT intended replace reading physical books at home or reading stories together, but rather to add some variety to reading at home.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Happy Reading!
- Mrs. Wilpert & Ms. McCrady
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